
A Few of My Favorite Books

Yesterday I shared in my Instagram stories a book that I've been reading. Oh how I wish I would have read it years ago! When we started homeschooling almost 5 years ago, I didn't know anything about homeschooling. I didn't even know another homeschooling family. I didn't have Instagram, and I'd certainly never heard of Charlotte Mason. I wasn't introduced to her until almost 2 years ago. Today I wanted to share a couple of books with you that I really feel have helped shape me and have taught me quite a bit. I haven't read them to their entirety, but every time I read a section it's always just what I needed to hear/read. Don't you love when that happens? I do! This is the first one that I highly suggest. I have absolutely loved this book, and have learned so much from pretty much every page I've read so far. If you're a new homeschool mama, or even a seasoned one (ahem 5 years here) you must read it! The Three R's This next o


Hello friends!     I have decided to create this blog as a place where I am able to share a little more information about our homeschool journey. I enjoy sharing on Instagram very much, but it can be bit limiting on how much I can share. Bear with me as I figure out the kinks. I haven't blogged in a few years, and I'm not very tech savvy. I hope to share resources with you here on this platform, as well as a little more of my heart journey behind homeschooling and motherhood. I'm not quite sure if blogspot will allow me to share documents or not, so I will use blogger as a trial run for now. 😉 Thanks for being here! :)